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Showing posts from March, 2010


just one last breath.    allow me to breathe life into you be the whisper of dust collected in shallow grains excavated from the earth and mineralized into a thousand pieces    of you.    let your chest rise and fall into rhythmic beats reserved for soul deep conversations and intellectual being reservations. to have you speak, just one more time, one more moment, one more second.    just one last breath.    allow me to manually stimulate your aorta and ventricles pulsate the veins filled with cellular blood and genetic DNA that surpasses the scientific human being that walks the earth normalized in crowds and stands apart with your specific individualism. to have you, just one more time. one more minute. one more moment. because I remember. I remember the smile that used to spread eagle across your face, your teeth glaring at the sun, polished to radiate the raging inferno that feeds off the ene...

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