I am in my own little cocoon. A perfect little shell hardened by time watched and spilled over- MomMom always told me that a watched pot never boils. Somewhere, there is a distance laughter. Heart filled and hearty Like comforting food warming the soul on a wintry night. Perhaps a slow cooked soup. He wants me to come back. Begs me on ashy knees, sore from a back bending disposition. I, reluctantly pop my head out. It is too soon. I hibernate here. It feels good. So I stay a little longer. Redecorate the closed in walls and paint a window with the available brushes. At least, I packed the brushes. Would love to open a window. Sure would be nice to smell fresh air. But its stagnant. Filled with stinky, thickened exhalations and darkened chambers. I cannot breathe. I sweat and my perspiration mix with my inhalations and suddenly I choke. I am alone. In this perfect little shell and I cannot come up for air. The opening that was once the rabbit hole leading like a Alice ...