So, I took a few days off here and there. Mostly the weekend, as it was my birthday (Yay!) and I was feeling a bit burned out physically. I still drew, but most of it was crap that I just erased, doodled, or just formed digitally and straight deleted. Fine with me. I just wanted muscle memory. I did, however, make 2 pieces in the past few days. Take a look. The first was "Battlemaster Punga" which was in honor of a gaming battle in Don't Starve Together The Forge (a limited time event) which I finally won with my friends. It was pretty intense. The running joke was that I was (cover your virgin ears) so close to orgasm but never came when I finally met the big boss. I mean...we kept dropping the ball. We were just fucking up royally. Thanks, Glowfam for that good win. Anyways, you can watch the clip here: Glowgasm is a really great streamer. You can check him out about 10pm EST here. Now last night, I decided to dip my toes back into the daily prompts from De...