people look in the mirror all the time. pluck this little hair, smooth that little wrinkle with a finger curse the mole on their shoulder bless the plumpness of lips. imperfections. Tiny little lines formed from laughing or crying larger than life pores bursting from sweat embedded from the brow after a long days work. little nuances that prove that we are alive yet die with the cells that provide us. and we're human. human like a life grown in the womb, wet and wrinkly encased in globs of fat around bone to protect life amniotic fluid and stem cells fluidity as the river of unions gave birth to what a child should be. and somehow, some way between that beautiful birth and our end of cellular growth we are inept. ugly. imperfect. we look in a mirror. we gaze at little things that become lots of things which focus on larger issues of why beauty is not a cliche skin deep but a humongous and perpetual diminished fight against the youthfulness...