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Showing posts from December, 2011


I want you in me. As me. I want to know all about you. Discover a little egocentricity and possible falsities that lie deep and are undiscovered underneath. I want to ripple your wave be the shadow replica of the movement in which draws your orifice into being. I want to explore you. Be the origin as navel (0,0) go across undiscovered planes and rudimentary shape shifting. You are beautiful. And I want to trace you. Draw little lines with my finger where ink hits upon warm skin supple fat and coarse stubble from 5 after 5 ante meridiem. I want to be your sunset. Force the colors across cumulus clouds and earth shattering hailstorms. Be the west end of equinox and its flaming orange and red bursting a fireball within you, as you. You are my truth. My beginning, and my end. You are the simplistic of words and the complexity of Babel, scattered tongues that all equate the same meaning. And I adore you. Want to sit front and center as your student Where...

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