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"Full Circle"

i do not know where you begin
or where i end
we complete this circle with me
under you and i ring so true of
passion is what it needs to be
ought to be
should be
and right now
i cannot see where you begin
and where i end.
completion. i mean, you complete me
wholely. satisfyingly. surprisingly
try to seek what is within flesh heating upon flesh
melting caramel skin of me with
the beautiful shade of black skin with you and
i am so fighting this way that i feel about
going on the suspended merry go round
i feel fright within flight and seek to find balance
as i teeter and totter off of what i find within you
and i cannot see where you begin or the
line of which i end because
we are fused together again.
and again. again, i
keep on moving and struggling to breathe
trying to find a respiration upon your inhalation as
you are the lung to which i find air that i seethe
out of my lips curled from my tongue
rasping, holding on to the inner workings of you-
i cannot see the end of me
nor the beginning of you.
a submerged adhesion.
a bandaid to cleanse the
wounds that did not heal
the scar that did not get kissed
the inner workings of a broken-ness which
you replace with the rhythm of my hips
climbming me higher and higher to reach
twin towered peaks of mountains
which we summit to the top of which i need no rescue-
i cannot see the beginning of me or the
end of you.
i am
the spiritual glue of which
you seek your wealth of feelings and inner workings of
genius perspectives secret wishes and hypnotic
eclectic visions. i am she. the one whom
clings to your inner workings and physical body
fastened by muscles and tendons
capillaries and veins
cells and life form siphoned
to be the person to become what is me
and what will become you-
i cannot see the beginning of me
nor the end of you.
and as we cohere to be
the circle of our being
the full entirety of what we
ought to be
should be
desire to be
and will be-i see myself
only enraptured by you
as flesh to flesh becomes one-
i cannot see the beginning of me
nor the end




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