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"Kid Again"

to be a kid again.
to have dusty knees celebrated by mud pies
and overgrown grass graciously gliding
upon the white t-shirts that made
mothers angry when scrubbing our stains.
to have that look within the eyes
when lights are strategically placed to endure the
Christmas snow, blizzards within the northeast
which one has grown up to adore.
to fall with the leaves and dance with
golden corn built with bonfires and pumpkins
upon a rickety hayride
to wonder in a tulip and gaze upon morning dew
when flowers begin budding against the
frozen ground which was replaced by a new season.
to be a kid again.
to have no worries, no care
no idealizations of the first and fifteenth
the gas and electrical energies
the over plentiful but once barren pantries
and warm socks adorned with special trimming.
to be a kid again.
to wonder in amazement and find pleasure in double dutch
flying bubbles, bicycles, dolls and action figures,
playing grown up with play make up;
now a blur of what childhood has become of thee
to become a kid again-
a rush to find no happiness with the adult in me.

poem 6 of 30


  1. kids need to know just how good they really do have it.

    enjoyed this piece. thanks for sharing.


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