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Comfort for A Fool

Yesterday was the day in which
we declared solidarity
made promises for the future
that would hold doe eyed babies
because romance and fairy tales come true.

We separated that page
in a fun filled chapter
illustrated our delight in permeated whites
and tell tale laughter
changed the rhythm from setting to climax
because tomorrow was the day
for no looking back.

We celebrated in sentences. Held firm to
future tense and elongated phrases
secret jokes and short mazes
riddle me this, dare I say
because dreams won't dare be a reverie in truth
living in the present of the day.

I bookmarked it. Circled a date on the calendar
and marked it in legible scribe. Set the timer on my clock
and waited for the impending buzz to arrive
Placed a red ribbon on my finger
A pinch of salt thrown to the left of my back
Placed a picture of you and I on a cork board
held in place by an aging thumbtack.
because yesterday is coming.

because romance and fairy tales come true.
because tomorrow is today
because dreams won't dare be just a dream
because yesterday is gone

and today

you're gone.



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