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I did not choose to love you, I am told
Cause you can't help who you love.
We're all prisoners here, invisible shackles taking control
I did not choose to love you, I am told.
I despise fate. Hate to think I'm a conquest, a figurine, extolled
Shapeless drones punctured in pain by an arrow fired from distant places
I did not choose to love you, I am told.
Cause you cant help...who you love.

A Triolet
Poem 4 of 30, April 2012.


  1. Sweeeet. My apologies for my short commentaries. But what can I say to someone so talented?

  2. I really like " pain by an arrow fired from distant places". You've got the helpless, it's-out-of-my-hands feeling down pat. I'd like to fire an arrow back at Eros, that sick puppy.

  3. First, I want to say I love the poem. Second, these two line:

    "Hate to think I'm a conquest, a figurine, extolled
    Shapeless drones punctured in pain by an arrow fired from distant places"

    I just really love it. It stood out to me the most. Great work and look forward on reading more of your work. Keep in mind that I mean these words.

  4. Thank you all so very much. This is my first attempt at a triolet. First, I wasn't too happy with it. Then I edited it and it all came together. I am much appreciative of the feedback.


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