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White Dress

I remember he wanted to marry me
enclosed spaces shared tiniest of details
How I suddenly became the girl of "we."
that was years ago. End of a tragic tale.

Even a ring was placed on my finger as
a reminder for a day to with no pizzaz
somewhere absent church bells ring old, turn and chime
Something new, now blue. He said he would be mine.

A  Rispetto.
Poem 10 of 30, April 2012


  1. If this is someone's true story...I'm sorry. That person may not need my apathy, but they now have it.

    1. A failed engagement? Been there, done that, got a postcard. But there is an upside to this story: I am now married and have a nice little family. I like that. Sometimes someone has to move out of your way to make room for the fate you have in your life.

  2. Not only was this a great poem...I learned something, as well. Thank you for explaining the format!

  3. I like the rhythm in this entry and through it you have inspired me to read more about the form, Rispetto. There has to be some sadness to the tale and I think you've achieved that tone.

    1. The link to the rispetto is a G+ post. I often write about poetry forms, styles, and devices.


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