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I remember.
Time has passed though. Wrinkles are beginning to form, and grey
Hairs rooted. Doesn't take away the simplicities or
Mere intricacies from the amazement of you. 
Although its fragmented. 
A laugh becomes hallow. Bounces off walls
Acoustic not in tune with realities dimensions. Smiles
become visible only on a photograph, the unpleasant 
Aftermath of the only thing which now to hold. 
Dreams. Dreams are divine.
They curve into the cerebellum, leaking false images of you
Drawing naked paths on skin and arching my spine-
but awakening is the sad goodbye.
Your scent. I can still smell it. Soaks 
Into my pores and wafts my nose
Tickling the this and that of spice and musky
Through the breeze of the wind, there
It blows.
I remember. 

Sweet God of Lord above, I remember. 
Do you gather sweet musings about me?
Thirst the same emotion, beg to be touched by me yet again?
Reverse time and become the beautiful reality?
I dare not ask for the real answer.
Life is cruel that way.

So I'll become 
The one that got away
With photographs hidden, and letters forbidden.
Distanced soul mates that dissipate 
Passion personified, the world in your fingers
And I, moving my feet-
Wishing for the path that was always with you
As I become
a memory of a memory. 



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