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Understanding Poetry: Poetic Schools & Movements

A school of poetry is formed when many poets develop a centralized or similar pattern in which they write; often coinciding with a particular era or time period within history. Poetry itself predates literacy, in which many traditions and history of regions were often orally told and then transcribed into records. In any case, poetry has a significant and cultural contribution which makes understanding the history of this art form necessary.

Some school include:

Aceism : school of modern Russian poetry, writing about the natural world and the environment.

Augustans: school of English poetry using wit, famous for heroic couplets and mock epics.

Beats : 1940-50's movement involving battle of social conformity and immersion of eastern religious studies, such as Buddhism.

Black Arts: 1960-70's movement rooted in Civil Rights writing about race relations and issues.

Black Mountain : 1933-56 school of teaching creative arts and analytic skills. Most poems use long forms or structures.

The American of Academy Poets officially include 32 Poetic Schools and Movements, all having their own particular style, flair, era, and understanding. Each era has its own influential poets of note, such as Langston Hughes from the Harlem Renaissance, Frank O'Hara from the New York School of Poetry, and Ezra Pound from the Imagist movement.

What poet influences your style the most?

More Info: Schools of Poetry
Photo Credit: Anne Sexton. by Rollie McKenna



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