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No #30in30 this Year...but yay for World Book Night.

Sometimes, you don't have it in you. The ability to write. The passion. The muse. Other times, the brain works damn hard to forget memories that the heart wants to release upon pen and paper. Scream out to the whole world for shock therapy and pure amusement and undeniable "I told you so's". Seems like this period of non writing is the latter. The brain wanting to forgive. Wanting to go to a distant, numbing place of not even entering the truth or release. I just don't want to go there now. Perhaps I will soon. But not now. Not publicly. Haven't updated here in a while, and must share why. There are days where the chronic pain eats up my soul and I feel like I cannot even write a line. Nights are longer. Other stuff. So for right now, some deepest darker poetry---the really meaty stuff? It's not for the public eye. Just for me. And for now, I'm not even ready for release.

Perhaps soon.

Until then, I'll be writing other things. Other topics. Focusing on National Poetry Month with World Book Night. Looking forward to giving out 20 copies of "The Phantom Tollbooth" and another 20 copies of April's issue of Poetry magazine. Much Huzzahs are in order. So no #30in30 here, as I have some personal things going on here, and I'm a little busy with stuff I'm trying to make happen. Wish me luck.

Happy writing and reading.



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