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Rare Book: The Book of Hours

The Book of Hours
Found this gem in the rare book and special collections division via the Library of Congress. This copy was printed in 1524 in the Latin language using 113 leaves and bound in parchment. The book was used in Monasticism devotion, which contained various psalms and other prayers, such as the Litany of Saints. The detail and incredible illustrations are absolutely breathtaking; as a complete bibliophile, I am often drawn to rare texts and seeing the penmanship, printing, and other devices used to create works not within my time period. Not to mention the painstaking ways which the Library of Congress uses to have such books available, and the preservation required for each text. What a treasure to have such information within your fingertips. 

You can view this book at and use the .pdf and page view provided within the catalog to scroll the entire book. Higher quality imaging and other features are available for viewing. 


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