Authorgraphs (formerly known as Kindlegraphs) are personalized digital inscriptions that authors can use to autograph their name via a mouse, finger through a tablet, or a printed name in scripted front (of the author chooses) to sign a book. Built by a software developer in Seattle, Authorgraph creates the ability to not only send an author's digital signature, but personal messages as well. Boasting over 7,000 authors using its service, Authograph connects the reader personally to the digital world on a new way. So how does it work for an author? First, one must have a published book. Neat thing here is, one can use the service for any platform-not just Kindle, Or Nook. Books don't have to be in eink; even hardcovers and softcovers would do.
Authorgraphs are not inserted into the ebook, as the digital signature is a separate document where readers can keep a collection of all their Authorgraphs. Simply sign up and Authorgraph takes you through the free service to capture your autograph using a mouse for computers, or very steady finger/handy Stylus for a tablet. For the reader, sign up for an account and browse through the database of authors and books. Click on the "request Authorgraph" button below the title, and pretty soon you'll have a email with a link to the autograph.
The Authorgraphs are available in various platforms, so owning a Kindle
is not necessary to view the author's signature/message; readers can receive an email with a link to a .pdf, or AZW version. Readers that request a Authorgraph don't have to own the book to get the author's signature; but most likely they are current or future readers which makes this service even more personable for the ebook sector.
Authorgraphs are not inserted into the ebook, as the digital signature is a separate document where readers can keep a collection of all their Authorgraphs. Simply sign up and Authorgraph takes you through the free service to capture your autograph using a mouse for computers, or very steady finger/handy Stylus for a tablet. For the reader, sign up for an account and browse through the database of authors and books. Click on the "request Authorgraph" button below the title, and pretty soon you'll have a email with a link to the autograph.
The Authorgraphs are available in various platforms, so owning a Kindle
Sending and receiving Authorgraphs are free; if Amazon's Personal Delivery Document Service is used, remember that you can add emails and to an approved list so the document can be sent with the available free document service (for later keyboard generations of the Kindle). More info on Kindle Personal Documents and using Amazon's free email for doc delivery is available at the Amazon website.
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