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Day 39: Literary Magazines on My Shelf

Day 39 in #BookSpine365. Visit a title a day from my bookshelf. Month Two.

There are a handful of magazines and literary journals I've kept on my bookshelf. All literary, of course. Poets & Writers magazine is one of them. Not only is the publication filled with literary news, articles, features, and letters-it is a go to resource for grants and awards, conferences, and residences for the writer. I have now turned to perusing the resources section more effectively via the web, but the poems and pieces inside are beyond creative. Whenever I stumble across a favorite author or poet of mine in a magazine, I may keep the copy just to pay it forward or for future use. 
This is volume 34, Issue 33 from May/June 2006. Great condition, almost perfect except a crease in the back. Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka blazes the cover.



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